Our Restructuring & Insolvency team understand that closing down or winding up a business can be a very difficult and stressful time, however it is imperative that it is done correctly and that Directors seek advice at the very earliest stages which will allow a greater chance of a rescue procedure being implemented.
At the outset we will aim to avoid formal insolvency wherever possible, and look to preserve and rescue at least part or all of the Company in order to minimise job losses and liabilities to creditors. In the early stages the Directors will receive impartial advice as to all of the options available and the best possible solutions in the circumstances.
Sometimes insolvency is the preferable (or only) route out of difficulties faced by a company and its directors. Where the decision is taken that formal insolvency is the appropriate solution, our vastly experienced team will endeavour to find the appropriate procedure for the circumstances and provide expert advice throughout.
Restructuring & Insolvency have a large insolvency presence, our professional and approachable team will guide you through the process from start to finish, helping and advising you to make what can be a very challenging time less daunting. We do this by providing continued support and assistance throughout the process, ensuring that all statutory and regulatory obligations are fulfilled throughout.
Once appointed, we pride ourselves on working to provide the best possible outcome for creditors of the company by maximising returns and minimising any further risks to creditors.
Restructuring & Corporate Insolvency services include:
- Administration
- Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)
- Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)
- Compulsory Liquidation
- Solvent Company Closure / Members Voluntary Liquidation (MVL) / Dissolutions
- Receiverships (Administrative & LPA)
- Support in other formal or informal insolvency proceedings